Know Thyself

On a provocative personal journey such as Knowing Ourselves, we will most assuredly uncover fundamental questions in regard to our truths, in the context of a greater purpose, passion and social-interactions. We maybe challenging beliefs that have held us back and gaining new achievements in their stead; connecting the outer-dots and cultural pursuits with our authentic inner nature.

What water is to the fish, and air is to the bird, man is to himself.

The first step of this adventure or sojourn is knowing where we are now and where we want to go; why we are going and what we anticipate will happen when we get there. The world becomes as we observe and believe it, and our choices and actions are reflected back to us. This can be called belief-systems, opinions, expectations, perception or imagination.

Personal awareness and ideas often come through our life experiences and adventures, our stories and reluctances.  To get to it, truly, we need to unplug from societal noise, even if just for a while, and listen closer to what seeks to gain our attention and expression. We can often find quiet in nature, contemplation, meditation, prayer and creative passions and pursuits.

If we want to transform our life in a way that is meaningful, fulfilling and sustainable, we must first understand the one who is doing the thinking, “us.”

A journey of a thousand miles, begins with a single step.