Category: Essays_Wellness

Research Essay – A “Trojan Horse” to the American diet”

A Trojan Horse to the American Diet Larry J. Fontana   High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) was introduced into the American diet in the 1970’s. Since its inception, the Corn Refiners Association (CRA) has relentlessly tried to convince us that HFCS is a natural and safe additive because it is derived from corn. In spite …

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How-to Article – Grow Sprouts Indoors

Published – Colorado Gardener “Grow Sprouts Indoors” (how-to) Includes all illustrations and photography. – Link to article (PAGE 12-13)

How-to Article – Wheatgrass – Grow & Juice your Own

Published – Colorado Gardener “Wheat-grass – Grow & Juice ” (how-to) Includes all illustrations and photography. – Link to article (PAGE 12-13)  

Research and Interviews – Pikes Peak Urban Gardens

Pikes Peak Urban Gardens – Build it and they will come. By Larry J. Fontana Just a few years ago Larry Stebbins, founder, director and enthusiastic force behind the Pikes Peak Urban (PPUG) was having difficulty offering its urban community garden idea in Colorado Springs. In 2010 PPUG took a leap of faith “build it …

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