Larry F

Facilitator | Intuitive Life Advocate Empowering individual and group wellness | strengths, engagement and purpose | creativity, vision and passion inspired by the human-spirit and cultivated within relational-integrity.

Author's posts

Skydiving Essay – Adventure at 14,000 feet

Larry J. Fontana 9 October 2009 Adventure at 14,000 Feet     The idea of skydiving has been in my thoughts for many years, yet for one reason or another it was never the right time or place. I imagined how I would feel at the moment just before the big leap tossing my body …

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Interview and Essay – Life choices

Life choices regarding work, family, marriage and lifestyle Larry J. Fontana     Through the course of a person’s life, many choices are made. So much, that people do not often realize their magnitude and interdependencies. Decisions are made from the minute after waking to seconds before falling asleep; what to do, what to postpone, …

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Essay – Cultural Folklore

  Cultural Folklore Larry J. Fontana Before “civilizing contact” was introduced through British colonization the Naga lived according to a traditional cultural style. Their beliefs, customs, opinions and values were passed down through many generations of ancestors using an oral tradition, word of mouth. The stressing of the written word and literature from the British …

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Research Essay – A “Trojan Horse” to the American diet”

A Trojan Horse to the American Diet Larry J. Fontana   High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) was introduced into the American diet in the 1970’s. Since its inception, the Corn Refiners Association (CRA) has relentlessly tried to convince us that HFCS is a natural and safe additive because it is derived from corn. In spite …

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Research Essay – Enlightened Education

  Enlightened Education Larry J. Fontana     By integrating Passion, Pleasure and Purpose into our schooling environment, common educational activities can be transformed into self-actualizing learning adventures. Self-actualization is defined in the Free Dictionary as “To develop or achieve one’s full potential” (“Self-actualize”). Also, the distinction between student-centered learning and a standardized education (Rhonda, …

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Research and Interviews – Pikes Peak Urban Gardens

Pikes Peak Urban Gardens – Build it and they will come. By Larry J. Fontana Just a few years ago Larry Stebbins, founder, director and enthusiastic force behind the Pikes Peak Urban (PPUG) was having difficulty offering its urban community garden idea in Colorado Springs. In 2010 PPUG took a leap of faith “build it …

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How-to Article – Wheatgrass – Grow & Juice your Own

Published – Colorado Gardener “Wheat-grass – Grow & Juice ” (how-to) Includes all illustrations and photography. – Link to article (PAGE 12-13)  

How-to Article – Grow Sprouts Indoors

Published – Colorado Gardener “Grow Sprouts Indoors” (how-to) Includes all illustrations and photography. – Link to article (PAGE 12-13)

Interview Article – Music at Midday

Published – Gazette Fresh*Ink – “Music at Midday” – Review Colorado College Community Music Event – Includes all illustrations, photography and Interviews – L. Fontana —————————————– If you haven’t heard about the Music at Midday program presented by the Colorado College (CC) music department you are in for a real treat! The program is a …

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General Palmer – The time has come!

General Palmer – The time has come! Larry J. Fontana.   No one can deny that General Palmer was a compelling figure and benefactor in the life, spirit and history of Colorado Springs. To honor the many contributions the general has made to Colorado Springs, a bronze statue was presented by its creator, Nathan D. …

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